Unique cheese deserves a unique ripening warehouse

    Cheese produced naturally should have a natural rind, one that breathes and matures along with the cheese, and responds to the surroundings.
    That’s why the rind on our Remeker cheese is formed by washing the cheese with our very own ghee.
    That’s also why you can eat the rind that provides additional, unexpected taste sensations.

    Perfect combination

    And that is why we have designed and built our very special ripening warehouse, a unique building that suits our washed rind Remeker cheese perfectly.
    In keeping with our philosophy, the warehouse has been constructed using traditional methods and all-natural materials.
    We’ve ensured that there’s the right level of humidity so as to encourage and support the moulds that produce the desired taste and feel of the end result.

    Ripening: brilliant solution

    Although many sorts of cheese ripen underground, in special cellars or even caves, our cheeses mature above ground.
    This is possible because we’ve constructed cellars under the cheese racks that are open towards the ground, allowing them to fill with groundwater, providing a natural source the humidity that moulds thrive on.

    Until this new construction made it possible, we’d been unable to use the washed rind system on our Remeker cheese. Previously the climate in our warehouse had a too low humidity and the air circulation – always difficult to control – was too high.
    But now this new, purpose-built testing ground makes it possible to experiment with different ways of ripening more (and better!) cheese.


    There are four prime innovative factors in the new system for ripening washed rind cheese in a natural way:

    • high humidity
    • gentle air circulation
    • use of natural processes and materials
    • optimalisation of economic impact

    The foundation of this new system is to be found in how we apply innovative, natural processes and materials.
    Take for example the use of cradle-to-cradle Biofoam® as insulation and walls that are covered with locally produced wood.
    Consider, too, air conditioning using CO2 (the coolant of the future!) instead of chemical coolants – a definite first for cheese warehouses!
    And the humidity is assured by the superb simplicity of cellar design to let groundwater do the job.
    In strict contrast to the limitations of current ripening systems using artificial climate controls, all such factors contribute to creating the natural environment in which washed rind cheese can ripen and mature perfectly.